When looking for Hardin County, Tennessee arrest warrants, you will find that you have to visit at least one government office. An official warrant search can only be initiated through one of the state agencies mentioned below. However, if you need information about arrest records from the area, you can easily find these in the privately maintained database from this site. For a justice entity, head to:
- The sheriff: 525 Water St, Savannah, Tennessee 38372
- The judiciary: 500 Court St, Savannah, TN 38372
- The clerk of court: 601 Main Street, Savannah, Tennessee 38372
Active warrants from Hardin County are part of government-held public records, so just about anybody can request information about them. However, you will find the sheriff’s office reluctant to discuss details on outstanding warrants from ongoing cases. This is done to ensure that the alleged offender does not take advantage of this public service to escape from the issuing county.
Hardin arrest orders and active warrants related data is also made part of the national FBI repository. So, police officers from all over the country have access to this information, and they can use it to make an arrest. When you have an active warrant in your name, even the smallest legal issue can lead to detention and depend on the nature of the crime you are being accused of. You may even get deported to the county where the warrant against you was issued.
Can you get any information pertaining to Hardin County warrants and arrests over the phone? (2021-Update)
- Call the Hardin County Detention Center for information on arrests and inmates: 270-765-7717.
- Contact the Sheriff’s Office for police reports, accident reports, arrest records, and criminal records: 731-925-3377.
- Contact Savannah PD for information on arrests and warrants linked to their cases: 731-925-3200
- Contact the General Sessions Court for information on arrest warrants: 731-925-1000.
- Call the Clerk of Court for a case search: 731-925-3583.
- Contact Victim’s Services to get help for victims and witnesses: 731-986-5031.
Crime statistics of Hardin County
In 2019, the Hardin Sheriff’s Department received 383 criminal complaints, which included 348 property offenses and 35 crimes against people.
Approximately 180 larceny thefts, 121 burglaries, and 46 motor vehicle thefts were recorded as property offenses. Around 30 aggravated assaults, 4 rapes, and 2 robberies were among the violent offenses.
Older Crime statistics
The police of Hardin County, TN, has been unable to curb crime growth, which currently stands at 1000 incidents per annum. Through the eight-year interval from 2001 to 2008, reported crime and violent act averages increased by almost 80%. In terms of annual crime rates, nearly 15% of the reported crimes are violent, while the rest have to do with theft.